PORTAGE, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – They say “good fences make good neighbors.” It’s also the subject of a Robert Frost poem.
The residents along Quail Street may be proof of that. They claim an ex-felon with a long police record has torn down his neighbor’s fences and is terrorizing homeowners on their cul-de-sac in central Portage.
Several of them took their complaints to the city council last night.
They say the bad neighbor confronts them when they come out of their homes or have guests over and dumped his tornado debris into their yards.
Homeowner Mark Mowery says he tried to document the man’s behavior and was assaulted.
Mowery says the prosecutor reduced the assault charge to disturbing the police, without consulting him first.
Mayor Pro Tempore Jim Pearson proposed they get together with City Manager Pat McGinnis to document their complaints to see what can be done.
Councilmember Vic Ledbetter, a former captain with Kalamazoo Public Safety, asked for the police reports to see why this hasn’t been handled by law enforcement.
Councilmember Chris Burns proposed possibly looking into a “chronic nuisance” ordinance to handle situations like this.
There are limits to what the city council can do in such situations, but they may be influential in getting other agencies that are in a position to act, to do so more effectively.